HC Andersen – House of Fairytales i Odense

Extract from entry in the architectcompetition 2014 for a new HC Andersen museum and childrens culture centre in Odense – House of Fairytales

HC Andersen ägnade sig åt pappersvikningskonst, här omtolkat i cafébord i metall med glasskiva


A House of Fairytales composed in three levels where The Tinderbox and HC Andersen museum got facilities on all three.

The different activities within the building are mixed vertically and horisontally for the best outcome of interactivity. We sympathize with the effort to develop a general interlacing – mentally and physical.

A mix organized for merging together generations, merge interactivity through objects and visibility, across generations and through mutual curiosity between generations.

HC Andersens barndomshus

Combining demands of adults calm museum to childrens noisy activities and at the same time permitting contact and visibility between the two is possible thanks to interior noisereductive arrangements.

Inre parken enl tävlingsförslaget

”-A museum is a museum because of its collections. We suggest an emphasizement of this and are hesitant to the idea of presenting it in a dominant and disturbing multimedia and movieshow surrounding”.

Siluettgubbar design HC Andersen

”-Current galleries lacks daylight which, in our opinion, is quite tiring. The new concept is different in this sense”.

Competition arranged by the city of Odense.